Air conditioning systems — cleaning and disinfection with Sanosil
HVAC cleaning products for air conditioning systems and ventilation ducts: the problem

HVAC cleaning products play an important role in HVAC maintenance. While air conditioning systems and ventilation ducts ensure increased comfort and pleasant temperatures during hot weather, unless properly maintained they can also act as “incubators” for all kinds of microbes, such as bacteria, fungi, mould and yeast. Large numbers of these microbes are then carried into the building’s living areas in the air flow, where they may adversely affect the health of the occupants. Therefore, proper HVAC mold treatment is of great importance.


Disinfection of air condition devices and/or air tubes after cleaning


Treatment of air humidifiers / air washers

Contaminated air conditioning systems: a hazard solved with HVAC cleaning products
HVAC cleaning products are used for all parts of air conditioning systems. Air conditioning systems use heat exchangers to cool the air down to a comfortable level before it is distributed through the ventilation ducts. Although this creates a pleasant atmosphere in which to live and work, it can also create a refuge for pathogens. When cooled, air loses its ability to bind moisture — as a result, a certain amount of condensation water always settles on the fins of the heat exchanger and in the ventilation ducts.

In combination with the dust and dirt in the air, this condensation water forms a wonderful breeding ground for microorganisms — especially if the air conditioner and ventilation ducts are operated infrequently and the mixture of condensation water and dust in the ventilation ducts is repeatedly heated to an optimal 30 to 40 degrees Celsius. Unless the air conditioning system is cleaned and disinfected with HVAC cleaning products, these microbes will then be blown into the room air and inhaled by the occupants — with unpleasant consequences.

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