Problems after water damage
Caused by floods, burst water pipes or blocked sewage pipes, water can enter buildings. In unfavourable cases, e.g. blocked/clogged sewage pipes or floods, this leads to backups in the sewage system. As a result, dirty water mixed with sewage enters the houses. The sludge, contaminated with faecal and other germs, penetrates every crack and begins to stink of sewage and mustiness. There is an increased risk of infection and mould.

Sanosil S010

Sporicidal special disinfectant

for heavily contaminated /
contaminated surfaces


Procedure for cleaning and disinfection after damage caused by flooding
Pumping out the flooded areas

Document the damage/ call in the insurance company’s damage expert.

Remove all objects from the basement or flooded area and either wash them off or dispose of them.

Spray/wash affected walls with fresh water and, if necessary, alkaline active foam cleaner (Sanosil Foam Clean A or equally effective).

Remove dirty water with a water vacuum cleaner and connected drainage pump with drainage hose

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